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Morning Worship........10:30am

Sunday Life Groups......5:30pm



Bible Study.................6:00pm

Students (7-12th)........6:00pm


We are conveniently located near downtown Searcy on Highway 16 (North Maple Street), next door to Classic Colors and Sonic.

Our address is: 

1099 N Maple St, Searcy, AR, 72143


Phone: 501.305.1099


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  • View our video podcasts on YouTube
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Thanks for stopping by the online home of LBC. Our prayer is that you will find us to be a Christ-centered, caring community of individuals who are excited about having the opportunity to extend to you the same love, hope and joy that we have received from the Lord.  Our desire is to ensure that the music is uplifting, the fellowship sweet, and most importantly, inspiring relevant messages from God’s word. â€‹

We are a traditional, independent, autonomus, local, biblical church church that is baptist in doctrine. We launched our first service on October 5, 1997. You'll find our music to be stirring and inspirational, while remaining traditional, and our preaching to be helpful and relevant for the Christian today. Learn more about what we believe, here.


Our church attempts to carry out the Great Commission in our own community through weekly personal evangelism and outreach, as well as supporting mission projects world-wide. Currently our church supports about 35 missionaries and mission organizations. 


Each age demographic is well represented at LBC and your entire family will have opportunities to serve and worship together and in groups of like ages. We offer a variety of ministries and events throughout the year that will draw you closer to your church family and to Jesus Christ. 


Come experience the Family of God like you never have before!


Meet our Staff and Leadership team


A glimpse into some of the ministries and events over the years. We continue to see Jesus Christ changing lives today. LBC offers ministries for all ages.

Learn about the different ministries available for your family below.

Summer fun at Liberty Baptist Church

Summer fun at Liberty Baptist Church

Jonathan Smith eats watermelon during a summer gathering at Liberty Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas

Family Crusade in Searcy at Liberty

Family Crusade in Searcy at Liberty

Ed Dunlop performs Gospel magic during an exciting family crusade at our church in Searcy, Arkansas.

Baptism Sunday at Liberty Baptist

Baptism Sunday at Liberty Baptist

Every quarter at Liberty Baptist Church, we celebrate those who have placed their faith in Christ and follow Him in baptism. We praise God for those who have taken this step of obedience at our church in Searcy, Arkansas.

Bongo the Bear in Searcy, AR

Bongo the Bear in Searcy, AR

Bongo joins in the fun at a family crusade event in Searcy, Arkansas at Liberty Baptist Church

Liberty, in Searcy, is all about fam

Liberty, in Searcy, is all about fam

This baptist church in Searcy places an emphasis on family

Worship in Searcy, Arkansas

Worship in Searcy, Arkansas

We love hearing people lift the name of Jesus up through song at Liberty Baptist Church

Friends and laughter at Liberty

Friends and laughter at Liberty

You'll quickly find friends at Liberty Baptist in Searcy and enjoy a strong sense of community

Pastor Rick Brooks visiting

Pastor Rick Brooks visiting

Liberty Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas is Pastored by Rick Brooks. There's always time for visiting after the service!

Christmas play at Liberty Baptist

Christmas play at Liberty Baptist

During the Christmas season in Searcy, Arkansas, you'll find our church celebrating the birth of Jesus

Family Crusade fun in Searcy

Family Crusade fun in Searcy

Ed Dunlop is a great ventriloquist and visits our church in Searcy, Arkansas every other year for a big family crusade event.

​The heart of

Liberty Baptist Church

is serving.

Through the many different ministries of our church there is a place for you to serve and be involved!  Find the perfect place for your family.​

Church in Searcy celebrates Father's day

LBC 50+

We have a vibrant group of adults in the 50+ range that is dedicated to building and leaving a legacy. LBC 50+ meets throughout the year for activities and relationship building opportunities that include cookouts, game nights, conferences, and sight seeing trips  to name a few. You'll enjoy finding other believers to spend quality time with.


LBC YOUNG Adults (20s-40s)

Community with others in your age group is an essential part of our vision. From BBQ's to volleyball to ice cream socials there will be something you can find to involve yourself with. There are also several Bible Conferences and annual retreats offered each year. 


LBC Students (7-12th grade) 

Students meet on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm for games, music, Bible study and small group discussions. Students are able to interact through activities such as, laser tag, mini golf, go karts, bowling, campfires, movie nights, and game nights. It's important for our students to be able to develop friendships with others like them and to deepen their walk with Christ because of it.

Kids Ministry at church in Searcy

Kids Ministry at church in Searcy

We believe that a growing church needs an active kids ministry and we invest in the future!

Children's ministry-Liberty Baptist

Children's ministry-Liberty Baptist

Jonathan Smith teaches about Cain & Abel during a class at Liberty Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas

Baptism at church in Searcy, AR

Baptism at church in Searcy, AR

Praise God for every person who decides to follow Christ in believer's baptism at Liberty

Hayride at Liberty Baptist in Searcy

Hayride at Liberty Baptist in Searcy

Dustin and Alli enjoy the fall festival at Liberty. This is a great opportunity to create friendships and engage outside of a service time

Christmas at Liberty Baptist Church

Christmas at Liberty Baptist Church

This is a Christmas caroling event for young adults at Liberty Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas

Fun at church in Searcy, Arkansas

Fun at church in Searcy, Arkansas

During this children's event at Liberty, Joey lost the contest and was turned into a human hot dog

Bus Ministry 

LBC believes in reaching our entire community for Christ! This ministry is designed to provide transportation to children, teens, and adults who would not otherwise be able to come to church. The bus ministry has been called the greatest evangelistic tool in the history of the local church. Millions upon millions of people have come to church, heard the Gospel preached, and had their lives forever changed since the introduction of the bus ministry. We offer transportation to church each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening on our church van. Many children don't have the opportunity to attend church and we believe Jesus would have us to minister to as many as possible. You can participate in this ministry by joining us on Saturdays at 10a as we reach out to many families around Searcy. We thank God for the souls we have seen saved due to this ministry. If you would like transportation for you or your children, contact us.


Faith Bible Institute 

Faith Bible Institue (FBI) is a Bible college course for every Christian! Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE systematically through every major doctrine. Yet, basic classes meet only one evening each week.


FBI combines solid Bible teaching with an interactive DVD video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and exciting learning experience.  Join the 40,000 students who have been trained through Faith Bible Institute.


We meet on Mondays at 6:00p and the class lasts about 3 hours. For more information, contact our class director, Denny Biard. Courses are on a college freshman & sophomore level. A High School diploma is not required to enroll. Current High School (9th-12th) Students may enroll and those with advanced degrees may also enroll. 


We also offer summer elective courses that last from 1-4 weeks and deal with topics such as: prophecy, creation vs evolution, angels, and more.

Reaching the world from Searcy

Reaching the world from Searcy

Jonathan is one of our production assistants and helps us reach the world from Searcy, Arkansas with digital media

Church for kids in Searcy

Church for kids in Searcy

This baptist church in Searcy, Arkansas is a place for your kids to be ministered to and get involved!

Kids love church in Searcy!

Kids love church in Searcy!

Master Club is our midweek program for children in K-6th grades. They will learn to serve God and others while having fun!

Liberty is about having fun

Liberty is about having fun

We took a group to Blanchard Springs Caverns and then enjoyed a catfish dinner. Our church has many events to get involved with!

Fall festival at church in Searcy

Fall festival at church in Searcy

The fall festival and chili cookoff is a highlight event every single year! Complete with s'mores and hayrides, the entire family will have a blast

Friends at church in Searcy

Friends at church in Searcy

Church family is a support system to keep one another encouraged

Maintenance Ministry 

We have several folks in the church who volunteer their time throughout the year to mow our property, clean the church, and maintain the grounds. If working outdoors or cleaning is your thing then get involved with this important ministry! We love and appreciate everyone who helps to make our facility look nice and keep it clean.


Media Ministry 

Liberty has a big vision to reach the world for Christ. We do this through a robust missions program, but we also fulfill the Great Commission by taking advantage of live streaming and posting the messages on our website, Facebook, SermonAudio, and YouTube. Our church rejoices each month as we share the locations that have listened to messages for that given month. It’s amazing how far reaching a small church in Arkansas can have around the world and we praise the Lord for the emails we receive regularly from people who have been helped through the preaching of Liberty Baptist Church. In the past decade we have reached more than 96,000 people in all 50 states and 100 different countries! This is one of the fastest growing ministries at Liberty and a place we always need more volunteers.

Missions Ministry 

As we work to reach and evangelize Searcy, we also have a plan for world-wide evangelism. We have commissioned 30+ missionary projects throughout the world to plant churches, save the soul, feed the poor, and care for the orphaned. We support these projects monthly through our Faith Promise Missions fund.

All gifts are taken into our missions account and 100% of the money is given to missions in the United States and around the world.  The benefit of this type of missions program is that we have been privileged to meet all our missionaries with their families and have them visit and preach in our church. We receive prayer letters from each missionary on a regular basis, updating us on their works and needs. Often these letters are read during our Wednesday night service.


Music Ministry 

God​ has blessed us with an abundance of gifted singers and musicians. At LBC you'll hear a variety of styles of musical selections by soloists, duets, trios, ensembles, children's choir, teen ensembles, family choir, and instrumentals. Our congregation sings hymns, choruses, and scripture songs that are written by some of the most well known writers from years past to the present such as, Fannie Crosby, Isaac Watts, John Newton, Phillip Bliss, Ira Stanphill, Dottie Rambo, Mosie Lister, Byron Foxx, Ron Hamilton, Keith and Kristyn Getty,

Joseph Habedank, Lee Black and the list goes on.

Outreach & Visitation Ministry 

Sharing the Gospel message is the ultimate goal we have. LBC strives to obey the Great Commission by witnessing to the lost around us. We meet on Thursdays at 6p and Saturdays at 10a and reach out into our community through our visitation program. Each week we make contact with those who have visited our church and knock on new doors to invite them to worship with us and to share the love of Christ with them. We also make visits to the sick and shut-ins, allowing us to pray with them and offer encouragement.














LBC Kids 

Ages 0-3 • At every service we provide a safe and clean nursery for the little ones up to 3 years that is overseen by our pastor's wife, Mrs. Karen. She has worked with children for more than 30 years and loves each child as if it were her own! You'll feel confident your little people are in good hands and will learn about Jesus on their level and will allow you to be able to focus on the service without any distrations.


K-6th grade • For children four years old through sixth grade there are fun, friendly, and Bible-centered Life Groups at 5:30pm. During the Sunday Morning Worship service at 10:30am we offer an exciting Children's Church for the kids that will keep their attention, while teaching them the Word of God in a way that will benefit them and help them to develop a Christ-like character at an age!


Elementary-aged children will enjoy our programs tailored for their age groups.  The children also enjoy activities and outings during the year such as, zoo trips, summer camps, Family Crusades, and more!



Church in Searcy hosts a large kids event


Watch live services, view past messages, or listen to an archive of audio podcasts of the preaching and teaching from the pulpit of Liberty Baptist Church.





Morning Worship.....10:30am

Sunday Life Groups......5:30pm



Bible Study.................6:00pm

Students (7-12th)........6:00pm



1099 North Maple

Searcy, Arkansas 72143


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